Influences: Simona Cojocariu

Another of the stunning artists from Linked!n. Her work is also magical rooftops and cityscapes, but it’s completely different in feel than Camila Nogueira’s. The colour palettes are different, the style is less rigorously technical, and it feels friendly and small-scale, showing quiet moments in peoples’ lives.

LinkedIn profile:

ArtStation portfolio:

The artwork that grabbed me: Morning Coffee:

Influences: Camila Nogueira

Camila Nogueira is a Portuguese illustrator, one of the artists I found on LinkedIn. Some of Camila’s works show the rooftops and alleys of fantastic cities, but others show fantasy landscapes and floating buildings. The style is a fusion of technical illustration and magical realism. And the colours are stunning. And apparently some of the artworks are of real places…?

I recently dreamed in Camila’s drawing style…

LinkedIn profile:


…and this is the work that grabbed me. Porto Alley II: