Another Stop on the Journey to Social Media Art Posts…

It turns out that Facebook does not allow external plugins to display posts from a personal Facebook tiimeline. Only posts from a Facebook page or group can be selected and displayed remotely. This is apparently for privacy reasons.

I picked up a Custom Facebopok Feed plugin from Smashballoon to display selected Facebook posts on my WordPress blog. Its FAQ mentions this restriction.

So I may have to make a proper SRD Books Facebook page, and post art things to that. Since many of these would be various stages of artwork and book preparation, that makes sense. But general sketchbook posts like I’ve been doing lately? I’ll have to think about it. Maybe I can sort and redisplay them on my personal page and then link to that.

A proper FB, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc page for SRD Books is something that Orzala would probably recommend anyways…


So we were talking at the writers’ group today, and the subject of NaNoWriMo came up. NaNoWriMo is National Novel-Writing Month, basically a dare to write 50 000 words in thirty days, the month of November.

One of the members had a spreadsheet of something similar, called “Fifty Thousand Words in Fifty Days”. This seems a little less intense, given that I’m doing other things as well, like art and work and finishing The Lonely Little Fridge.

I asked to use it, and got the okay. Here’s my version of the spreadsheet, as a Google Sheet handily embedded in this post (find out how):

It starts out quite small. Work was running fast today, but I had plenty of chances to think about things. I am going to work on “Red Rabbit! Red Rabbit!”, first finishing off some planning with Jackie, then onward.

First things: three endings and three beginnings to the story.