So we were talking at the writers’ group today, and the subject of NaNoWriMo came up. NaNoWriMo is National Novel-Writing Month, basically a dare to write 50 000 words in thirty days, the month of November.
One of the members had a spreadsheet of something similar, called “Fifty Thousand Words in Fifty Days”. This seems a little less intense, given that I’m doing other things as well, like art and work and finishing The Lonely Little Fridge.
I asked to use it, and got the okay. Here’s my version of the spreadsheet, as a Google Sheet handily embedded in this post (find out how):
It starts out quite small. Work was running fast today, but I had plenty of chances to think about things. I am going to work on “Red Rabbit! Red Rabbit!”, first finishing off some planning with Jackie, then onward.
First things: three endings and three beginnings to the story.